How it Works

Using Uliaa to invest is as easy as using an app store. In our Strategy Store, our knowledgable users publish whole investment strategies, investment techniques (or strategy modules), financial instruments, data feeds and market analysis (signals).

You can use these directly, or as a basis for your own investment strategy. Or you can develop a strategy from scratch to capture your unique investment idea.

Whichever way you go, once your strategy is ready, Uliaa converts it into a fully-automated high-frequency algorithmic trading algorithm, and, if you let it, executes it directly on the world's market.

Uliaa then watches the market, continuously comparing your strategy against the current asset prices and signal values. Whenever it discovers that the requirements described in in the strategy no longer hold, it generates a set of orders that put your strategy back in balance.

This cycle then repeats.

Uliaa strategies don't just describe investment goals, but also any applicable compliance rules. They meticulously take into account orders already in flight, brokerage and management fees, tax implications and market liquidity, all during the rebalance process. So you can rest assured that the orders generated by our platform are always covered by your available cash and compliant with applicable regulation.